Seydel 16501A Blues Noble 1847 Diatonic Key A harmonica
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Buy at Seydel 16501A Blues Noble 1847 Diatonic Key A harmonica,new coverplates; matted stainless steel covers with side-vents (openings on both sides),optimized sound projection and distribution of airflow if playing fully cupped,cone-shaped lower coverplate for low keys (LF to LC) – minimized reed rattling in holes 1 and 2 draw, even if played hard,new comb accurately milled from aluminium, anodized in black and with the SEYDEL logo laser-engraved on the back,superb air-tightness and improved handling due to the greater weight of the instrument,new tactile oval key stickers- hard wearing and removes the danger of holding the instrument the wrong way round, even in the dark,approved corrosion-free fine-cut reedplates made of German Silver fixed with stainless steel screws – extremely close tolerances between slot and reed for best possible tone control for the player,precisely factory adjusted, pitch-stable and durable reeds and rivets both made of Stainless Steel – optimal tone response and a full sound.
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